Today (May 3rd) is my brother’s birthday (that’s him in the picture). He’s a guy so he won’t care if I tell you how old he is (38); plus, he’s a good nine hours away so even if he does care he can’t get to me. J While I don’t know what life is like to not have a big brother, I have come to the conclusion that every person should have at least one big brother. Now, I realize this cannot happen biologically for all you first-borns out there, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find someone in your neighborhood, school, church, work who is like a big brother to you.

Why should everyone have a big brother? I’m glad you asked. There are lots of reasons, but for the sake of not making this post forever long, let’s look at three of them:

1. Big brothers are protective.

I have lots of memories from growing up with my brother, but one that always stands out is from a beautiful fall day when I was around 11 years old. I had been outside playing with my friend, Danielle, and my little sister, Katie, in a large pile of leaves. Some of the neighborhood boys were riding their bikes back and forth and being a bit bothersome by shouting and laughing at us as they rode by. We didn’t let them bother us until they decided to ride their bikes through our large pile of leaves, almost knocking us over. Now, to my 11-year-old self, this was quite an offense! No one was hurt, but it was the principle of the matter – those boys weren’t invited and they could have hurt someone. I ran inside the house to tell my parents and my brother happened to be sitting on the couch. When he heard what happened, Brandon jumped over the back of the couch and ran outside to chase down those boys. I wasn’t expecting that response from my brother. I didn’t even realize he was listening to my story until he leapt up and dashed out the door.

You may be wondering why this means so much to me. Well, it’s because my brother was 17. I had gotten used to being the ‘annoying little sister’ – and let’s be honest, what does a 17-year-old boy really have in common with an 11-year-old girl – and I mostly tried to stay out of his way. To have Brandon all of the sudden come to my rescue changed my perspective of him. While I still tried to not bug him too much, I didn’t worry about annoying him because I knew he loved me and he would listen when it was something important.

Twenty plus years later I know I can still count on my brother to listen when it is important. Though I do sometimes find myself trying to annoy him now… just cause I can. 🙂

2. Big brothers bring laughter.

Okay, so for the first few years of growing up, I will admit the laughter was mostly my brother laughing at me. Like when he and his friends made a sledding path and then ambushed us with snowballs when we went down (almost lost my glasses once).

But as I got older and my brother and I got to know each other better; I found out that he is a pretty funny and quick-witted guy. I don’t know how he keeps all those movie quotes and one-liners in his head, but his timing for sharing them is incredible. And the way he tells stories makes you really feel like you were there.

What I enjoy most, though, is hearing Brandon laugh. Laughter is usually contagious (watch this video & try not to laugh) and his laugh is especially contagious because it is so genuine. Brandon doesn’t just laugh at anything he thinks is funny (as his sisters often do). His laughter is unguarded, real and makes you want to laugh along with him, even if you don’t know what is so funny (and even if he’s laughing at you!).

If laughter is the best medicine, then my brother is a pretty good doctor.

3. Big brothers are encouragers.

Another stand out memory with my brother is when I was probably 11 or 12. Our family was attending a church sports event with various activities for children to sign up for. I’m not a runner, but I did want to be like my friends so I signed up to run a race. It wasn’t a long race, but did I mention I’m not a runner? I was good for the first two-thirds of the race, but I quickly began to fade as I tried to make it to the finish line. I couldn’t breathe, my legs were on fire and I just wanted to stop moving; but I also wanted to finish the race.

Up comes my brother. Running alongside me; telling me I’m almost there. Saying he’ll stay right by my side for the rest of the race; showing me how to catch my breath while I run. I didn’t win that race (and I haven’t run again since! :)) but I was a champion that day. Brandon helped me feel like a winner because he helped me not give up.

Brandon still does this for me today. Whether it is in a card, text message or in person; he’ll say something to lift me up when I’m unsure if I’ll finish the race. He reminds me that he’s there beside me; cheering me on and reminding me I am a champion.

See why big brothers are so cool?! I have the privilege to call Brandon my big brother. Whether or not you have a big brother in your life too, there is a Big Brother whom we all share: Jesus Christ. And while Brandon is the best earthly big brother I could ask for, I cannot imagine a greater Big Brother than Jesus.

He is my Protector. I know Jesus is for me and is with me.
He makes me laugh (I’m sure I’ve made him chuckle once or twice as well!).
He encourages me when I am in need; often using the people in my life to support me.

I am glad for this life with my brothers. I am especially grateful that God chose Brandon to my big brother in my family here on earth. He is someone I look up to (and not just because he’s taller than me), enjoy being around and love very much. Hug your big brothers today – even if they roll their eyes or push you away, it’ll definitely be worth it. 🙂

Happy Birthday Brandon!
I love you and I’m really glad you’re my big brother.